Championing Human Duties 

Join the Movement

Support the Universal Declaration of Human Duties for Leaders and Celebrate

What is the International Human Duties (IHD) Initiative?

The International Human Duties (IHD) Initiative is a global movement dedicated to promoting responsible leadership and fostering a culture of duty and accountability in society. Built on the foundation of the Universal Declaration of Human Duties for Leaders, this initiative empowers individuals, organizations, and policymakers to take responsibility for building a more just, sustainable, & inclusive world.

 Our Mission

We believe that leadership is not just about rights, but also about duties. Through advocacy, education, and community-driven action, the IHD Initiative seeks to:

Our principles: The seven duties of Leaders

The Universal Declaration of Human Duties for Leaders outlines key responsibilities for leaders to promote respect for human rights and responsibilities, aiming to create a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world.

  • Preserve Life: Protect human dignity, care for personal and community health, and promote peace and prosperity for all
  • Serve Humanity: Respect, care for, and honor all individuals, with special attention to children and elders. Contribute to a safe and fair community
  • Sustain for the Future: Protect the environment, preserve ecosystems, and choose sustainable practices to benefit future generations
  • Pursue Prosperity: Support economic growth by preserving the freedom to pursue enterprise and adding value to the economy and society through volunteer work and other initiatives
  • Respect Human Personality: Cherish diverse opinions, preserve cultural heritage, and promote equity and inclusion for all individuals
  • Educate Yourself, Teach Others: Ensure access to education for all, support talent development, and use knowledge to uplift others
  • Lead Responsibly: Exercise freedom of expression responsibly, protect the interests of both majorities and minorities, create an environment of mutual respect, and promote and respect human rights

Key Milestones and Achievements

Celebrating the impact of International Human Duties Day—milestones that shaped a movement and achievements that continue to inspire global action.

IHD and SDGs Alignments

Sign Up Now!

Human Duties play a crucial role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By embracing each of the 7 duties outlined in The Universal Declaration of Human Duties for Leaders, we can make significant strides toward realizing the SDGs while ensuring that no one is left behind.

How You Can Get Involved

Together, we can institutionalize responsibility, strengthen ethical leadership, and create a more accountable world

Join the Movement
  • Sign the Petition

    Support the movement for official recognition of International Human Duties Day

    Sign the petition here >
  • Join as a Partner

    Collaborate with us to promote ethical leadership and sustainable impact

    More info >
  • Raise Awareness

    Share the message of responsibility and leadership in your community

    Initiative's Branding >
  • Participate in the IHD Awards

    Recognizing outstanding local projects that champion human duties

    Award Participation Criteria >

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